This is my tweak of params sent to me by for the latest Apo Circle being held in the group. There was no particular theme except that the fractal had to be in shades of pink and/or green. I think...
Butterflies and Blooms
Spring Blooms
This is a fractal done for the current UF Circle going on in the group [link] . The theme of this one is Blooms and Flowers. This is a tweak of the params posted by . This completes the circle, bu...
Rotational Flame
This is my entry to the Apo Challenge 71 being held by . The theme and rules for this week's Challenge was as follows:RotationalsWith Challenge #71 we're going old school. One of the most simple an...
The Future is Bright
This is made using the Julian Set Outline by . It is one of the tutorials done in the Apo Tutorial Fun group [link] on RedBubble. They are having a Challenge on this tut and this is my entry. The...
Eye of Escher
This is my first attempt at the latest tutorial going on in the Apophysis Tutorial Fun group on RedBubble [link] - Escher Stained Glass tutorial by [link] .I'm still playing around, but I wanted t...
Magic Golden Mushroom
This is my entry into this week's Apo Challenge 72 - Pushing the Envelope - Cube It being held by . Here are the rules:Pushing The EnvelopeThis week's challenge poses something new to our Apophysis...
Hope for Japan
This is my entry to the current UF Monthly Challenge being held by [link] The theme of this month's Challenge is High Hopes for Japan.Here's what it says in the News article:As everyone knows, sad...
FA Featured Banner
For RedBubble Fractal Abstracts group
Two-Faced Spirals
This is my entry to the Apo Challenge 73 - TwoFaced being held by Here are the rules for this Challenge:TwoFacedThis week's challenge involves the usage of the Twoface plugin. I have uploaded it f...
Two-Faced Rings
This is another two-faced Apophysis. I made it for the Apo Challenge 73 being held by , but I submitted another one instead. But, I thought I'd upload this one anyway. Looks like yarn to me.Made in...
Pink and Green Apo Circle 12
Here's my latest tweak for Apo Circle 12 being held in The theme for Apo was just Pink - Green. It didn't matter what style it is, as long as the predominant colors are pink and green. I tweaked p...
Woodland Flowers
This is my next tweak for the UF Cirlce 12 being held in . This is a tweak of 's params. I got to these late, so I quickly did this last night. I hope it looks OK. The next person on the list is ....
Thank You Comment Banner RB
A Thank You comment banner to use on RedBubble
Gnarl of Cthulhu
This is a gnarl done using the Comprehensive Gnarl Tutorial [link] by dA's DrummerBoy08. This is one of the two gnarl tutorials being done over in the Apophysis Tutorial Fun group [link] on RedBubb...
Shattered Gnarl
Here is another gnarl done using the wonderful "Gnarls tutorial":[link] by dA's . This is one of the two Gnarl tutorials currently being done in Apophysis Tutorial Fun group on RedBubble [link] . G...
Splits Elliptic Mosaic ATF
A Splits Elliptic Fractal made into a mosaic for the ATF group on RedBubble.
ATF Mosaic Banner Square
A square version of the Splits Elliptic Mosaic Banner for the Apophysis Tutorial Fun group on RedBubble.Betty, this is for your folder icon.
Share the Art Features
Flamepack in Notepad Tut
A tutorial for creating a flamepack for Apophysis in Notepad, using individual flames.
This is my entry into the Apo Challenge 76 - Pushing the Envelope being held by . Boy, was this one a doozie. I don't know if I'll ever be able to create a decent flame using only "flat" transforms...