Yet another Thank You comment graphic for RedBubble responses
Thank You Comment 3
Christmas Splits Elliptic
This is a tweak of the Splits Elliptic tutorial by and It is also possibly my entry for Apo Challenge 52 being held by . The rules for this week were rather interesting:The challenge this week is...
Thank You Animated Comment
Another graphic comment for RedBubble responses. This one is animated.
UF and Apo Christmas Tree
Alright, here\'s another version of the UF Christmas Tree, only this time, the ornaments and tinsel are Apo fractals that were added either as is or after the application of the "Amazing Circles" [...
Julian Rings Featured TBoRB
A screen capture of The Best of RedBubble...Digital Art and Photography Overview page showing Julian Rings Stained Glass as Featured Work.
May Flowers Featured RB
Screen Capture of Most Favorites Feature of May Flowers on RedBubble
FA Featured Banner by Plunder
A Featured by Fractal Abstracts Banner done by plunder (Debs) for RedBubble
FA Fractal Abstract of Week
A Fractal of the Week Banner for Fractal Abstracts by plunder (Debs) on RedBubble
Hosts with the Most Featured
The Banner for Featured Hosts and Co-Hosts on The Best of RedBubble...Digital Art and PHotography on RedBubble.The original banner was done by Jackie Hughes. I made it smaller and gave it a clear b...
Thank You Very Much Comment
A Thank You Very Much Comment - 3D with heart made in Micrografx Simply 3D. For RedBubble use.
Josette Poster Room
This is a manipulation of me with the poster I received from Josette from a little contest she ran on her journal on RedBubble. I won and she sent me a poster of one of her works of my choosing! W...
Pearls of Different Colors
Possible entry into the Apo Challenge 53 - Bubbles being held by . This is one of my favorite things to do - makes lots and lots of bubbles and that's just what this Challenge was looking for. I di...
Perlin Heart
This is my entry for the Apo Challenge 54 - DC Perlin being held by . The rules were very simple and straightforward. "This week's challenge is to fully utilize the new dc-perlin plugin by dA's sl...
Perlin Loonie
This was a possible entry for the Apo Challenge 54 - DC Perlin being held by . The rules were very simple and straightforward. "This week's challenge is to fully utilize the new dc-perlin plugin b...
Perlin Drum
This was a possible entry for the Apo Challenge 54 - DC Perlin being held by . The rules were very simple and straightforward. "This week's challenge is to fully utilize the new dc-perlin plugin b...
A Mandy for All Seasons
This is my entry to the Mandelbrot Tribute Contest being held to pay tribute to Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot, the Father of Fractal Geometry. His brilliant mathematical theory open doors to new worlds in...
Kandinsky Inspired DC Carpet
This is my entry for this week's Apo Challenge 55 - Pushing the Envelope, being held by . This was a very tough Challenge. The rules were very loose and were as follows:This week's Pushing The Enve...
Kandinsky Farbstudie Quadrate
Farbstudie Quadrate by Wassily Kandinsky which I used for inspiration for 's Apo Challenge 55 - Pushing the Envelope, due 12-05-10.
THis is my tweak for the Apo Circle 8 that was bring held by . I think it's over for this circle, but I didn't get the params until Friday, so I did them anyway. This is a tweak of params passed to...
FE Holiday Spiral 1
This is possibly my entry for the 's group very first FE Weekly Contest, a Pong, Round Robin, Tweakathon, what ever you want to call it when params are shared and passed around. This week's Challen...