This is number 184 in the UF Chain Pong at:
These are the current chain members:
This is my tweak of by
The next person was supposed to be , but she noted me to take my turn and then she would do hers, so Maureen, you might want to check with her to be sure she is able to take her turn now. If not, I guess you can go ahead.
NOTE: This is a formula change. The new formula is Ducky Revisited M in ea.ufm. I thought I would stick with a Ducky formula. Lots of options associated with this one. Note, this takes an Inner Color Algorithm (ICA). I just hope I haven't had a brain cramp and repeated a formula we've already done. If so, please forgive me, I'm old.
My params are located in my
Created using UltraFractal 5, enlargement and postwork done in PhotoShop CS5.
Full view for detail.
Art Copyright
My artwork may not be edited, reproduced or modified in any way without my express written permission. Modifying my images and/or uploading to other sites without due credit and/or for commercial purposes is not permitted, and will be considered a breach of my copyright.
These are the current chain members:
This is my tweak of by
The next person was supposed to be , but she noted me to take my turn and then she would do hers, so Maureen, you might want to check with her to be sure she is able to take her turn now. If not, I guess you can go ahead.
NOTE: This is a formula change. The new formula is Ducky Revisited M in ea.ufm. I thought I would stick with a Ducky formula. Lots of options associated with this one. Note, this takes an Inner Color Algorithm (ICA). I just hope I haven't had a brain cramp and repeated a formula we've already done. If so, please forgive me, I'm old.
My params are located in my
UF Chain Pong 184 - Lucky Ducky
PW4UFChainPong184Of8-31183UfChainPongZiska {
Created using UltraFractal 5, enlargement and postwork done in PhotoShop CS5.
Full view for detail.
Art Copyright
My artwork may not be edited, reproduced or modified in any way without my express written permission. Modifying my images and/or uploading to other sites without due credit and/or for commercial purposes is not permitted, and will be considered a breach of my copyright.